
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019

Juan Morel, outra fera garantida no Olympia. Papou o Arnold Classic South America! Um garanhão belíssimo!

Resultado de imagem para Juan Morel bodybuilder

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Resultado de imagem para Juan Morel bodybuilder

Resultado de imagem para Juan Morel bodybuilder

4 comentários:

  1. Cavalão tesudo ele é bem antigo qual idade dele?

    1. Ele tem 37 anos.
      Tesudo demais.
      Ainda mais na sunguinha roxa...Uau!

  2. If you look up the word beast in the dictionary you'll find Juan's pictures as part of the definition. Handsome, muscular, tall, tiny waist. Though I think because of his height he doesn't look as muscular as his rival Rafael Brandao. These two went head to head at the Arnold South America. Juan came out on top, in the competition and in the bedroom I assume. I think it should have been the other way around...but for today I'll enjoy Juans stunning beauty f


  3. 357/5000
    Juan is so hot and beautiful! It symbolizes the man in his prime at the height of muscle age and beauty. Rafael Brandão will be a bodybuilder with a more successful career than Juan Morel, even more if he is taken to the United States, who are coveting the Brazilian stallion and will certainly get him out of Brazil.
    Juan and Rafael are hot, very hot latin men!
